Sanmina-SCI... "manufacturing behind the brand"
Print Circuit Board makers..
just take a look for the logo of "Sanmina-SCI" okay, not the "Gewdiks girls" in the photo..haha.... that photo was taken on our class visit at that company during our trip to sarawak last month...
actually i just want to mention here that, this is the place where i'm going to do my industrial training for my final semester...huhu...
alhamdullillah, praise to god, because my application to make my industrial training at Sanmina accepted by the management.. thanks to Puan Bibi Anita for her helps in order to make me be apart of them..huhu...the person that take in-charge of our class visit...
Next week, on monday, i need to come to work..huhu... not enough rest maa.. huhu... actually i need to come there on this wednesday, 18hb November, but i make request to Puan Bibi, can i start for the next week..on 23hb....hehe... finally after she make negotiation with manager of my department, i can start work next week...hehe..

im feel happy because they give me an allowance rm20 perday... coupon meal rm60 per month, transport and health insurance rm10000 if any accident happen to me during my industrial training.....

da lame bebeno x usha bloq abby ni.. b.. sy da tlg buang sawang2 lam blog abby td.. duaposen!!!
hahahaha....nah amik doposen emn jauh2... ;p
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